my city is still breathing
back in the saddle

Monday, June 30, 2003  

so the comment thingy appears to have reappeared.. yay..
My exam went well on Saturday, it appears to have at least. I felt like I knew what was going on throughout and that's always a good thing.
After my exam I drove on up to Edmonton to go out with some friends up there that I never get to see as they live in Edmonton. I really like that city, it's not as fast and snobby and oil-rich (although I'm sure it is) feeling as Calgary. It's also prettier, with many older buildings. People in Edmonton seem to be more entertaining as well, you can just sit there and watch them. Although I seem to think that about almost everywhere I travel to. It's as if when you don't live in a place you take the time to watch the people (and maybe even judge them) because you don't belong with them, you're not a part of them. Maybe not such a good thing. Anyhow, going to Edmonton always makes me happy, even when I only go there for 24 hours.

posted by kim | 1:34 p.m.|
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