my city is still breathing
back in the saddle

Thursday, July 17, 2003  

so I just found this book (journal-type thing) that my friends and I wrote in when I was 15. We all had them, and I found mine. It made me realise what I'd become, and what I'd left behind, and how I have no regrets. It made me realise that I had become bitter (as I've always maintained) but not overly, and not in a way that didn't make sense. It was weird, how much of what was discussed in it I remembered, but then again how much of it I had forgotten. And it reminded me of lost and found friends and how fleeting things are, but how I really can't do anything to change that, people come and go, they always find their way back, though.. anyhow, it was interesting, I didn't read the whole thing (like 300 handwritten pages), just kind of flipped through and read some things, there was alot of repetition and we all know I have no attention span..... anyhow, to anyone who wrote in my book in highschool, thanks.. do you still have yours?

posted by kim | 12:55 a.m.|
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