my city is still breathing
back in the saddle

Thursday, August 07, 2003  

The Globe and Mail - letting back Barriere residents back in
this story made me happy, as I'm thinking about going back out there once I'm done class (2 more classes - all I gotta do is finish my paper.. yay me!!) for a few days, I should get a f-ing vacation for god sakes.. then again maybe I should go to winnipeg.. anyhow.. that's all.. what else, I'm getting really sick of hearing about this gay marriage so called controversy.. could anyone tell me why this is an issue? For f-ing sakes, if people wanna get married let them get f-ing married.. have I posted about this yet? who knows, I will again.. I mean, is the fact that straight people like me think marriage is a stupid thing and therefore have no intentions of getting married not more of a threat to the so called institution of marriage than two people who love eachother wanting to get married, regardless of their sexual preference. It's f-ing stupid, I'm sick of hearing about it. I spent 4 hours looking at the 2000 Canadian Election Study stats this afternoon while working on my stupid paper/lab (am very angry about the amount of time and paper I spent running crosstabs this afternoon) and, according to those stats, not many canadians have a major issue with gay marriage. most seem to be indifferent. but then that was 3 years ago I guess.. anyhow, I'm going to watch the news or something.. I've been too busy lately, with class and work and u of c 101 training..

posted by kim | 11:38 p.m.|
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