my city is still breathing
back in the saddle

Thursday, November 27, 2003  

as I'm sure you all know, Friday is Buy Nothing Day. A group out of montreal has taken it a step further... Steal Something Day. I can't decide if I support this or not. Parts of it appeal to me: (the Robin Hood arguement).
At the same time, I've never shoplifted in my life (seriously). I also somewhat have a problem with the idea of this group attacking BND. While I agree that the premise behind BND is somewhat flawed, it's most important aspect is getting people to think about their consumption habits:
for example, BND gets me thinking: I have to give up my morning coffees (I only get 2 cups at home rather than 3 or 4 throughout my morning), be sure to have food in the house (as I don't cook all that often, I rarely have food), be sure to have time to take transit (so as to avoid paying for parking, my bus pass is paid for). BND makes me realise what I spend in a day - as well as where and how I spend it. The Christmas shopping aspect of the whole event is easy to ignore, it's way too early for me to have started with that mess (although I do have a few things done, by accident almost). It's the firmly entrenched daily habits I notice. So I see the value in something like BND.
I also appreciate the brilliant actions that come out of BND, go to adbusters to see what I'm talking about..
So, while I see the flaws in BND, I don't think a day encouraging stealing would have the same effect. I see the arguement, I see the value, but the moderate in me (dare I say it) couldn't take part. I have issues with property destruction, no matter who it belongs to (and take flak for it all the time)... stealing (even for noble causes) is something else I may have to re-evaluate... were I looking at this outside of the context of BND, I may have a completely different opinion on it.

posted by kim | 2:34 a.m.|
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