my city is still breathing
back in the saddle

Thursday, November 20, 2003  

well, this is what Ralph was doing in Ottawa. I guess you could say he was working (although he's giving dinner speeches, does he get paid for this? how much? and how come on my time?), although whether or not this is for the betterment of the province may be debatable..
"Stay out of our constitutional authority to run health care as we see fit," he said. "They shouldn't be telling us how to run our health care system."
Well, Ralph, maybe they'd be able to give us some nice, helpful advice, maybe run it a little better than it seems to be here, or maybe they'd at least be able to improve the consistencies from province to province, or help with communications between the provinces regarding health care issues - especially since all the other provinces seem to be involved - or maybe we should just make things worse by excluding ourselves. Hey well we're at it can we have two tiered health care? please?? I can't really even figure out why you seem to think this is a bad idea, with the exception of the constitution argument. This from a man who wants to use the notwithstanding clause to prevent loving same sex couples from *gasp* getting married, even though it's been deemed against the charter. So you like the constitution when it suits you, hey Ralph?

oh well, less than 2 months left in your fiefdom....

posted by kim | 1:30 a.m.|
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