my city is still breathing
back in the saddle

Tuesday, January 20, 2004  

so I've basically spent the past two days sending out emails to various hotels etc. in the austrian alps telling them they should give me a job. no luck yet, although a few nice people have at least emailed me to tell me they have no openings, which I find very considerate. it's raining in Vienna today, andI've spent much too much time on the internet - and I'm sure too much money as well (I'll get the bill in minutes). i broke down and got a cell phone yesterday, the pay as you go kind. I figured it was sketchy to not have a permanent address nor a telephone number when looking for a job so I should try to get at least one of the above. am staying at a nice hostel called wombats, it's mildly entertaining, although the promised pub is not open due to renovations. proably all for the best. anyhow, I should stop wasting money on the internet and go do something else with my day... love and kisses...
btw. Diego: I saw Hundertwassserhaus (and KunsthausWien - also designed by Hundertwasser) while in Vienna a few years ago - I'll check it out again if I stay unemployed for long enough...

posted by kim | 6:10 a.m.|
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