my city is still breathing
back in the saddle

Wednesday, January 21, 2004  

Today is a good day.. I think

I *might* have a job, there's some wrangling to be done (they want me to work until November, I can only stay until June, we'll see what happnes)

I've found free internet at the virgin megastore (although it seems to be subsidised by my €3 no-refill cup of coffee, go check the exchange rate yourself - trust me it sucks!)

There is an annoying girl in my hostel room who insisted on opening the blinds at teh ungodly hour of 7:30 this morning and then unpacking and repacking her stuff... and she wasn't even leaving today!! But I won't let it ruin my free-internet happiness...

posted by kim | 4:13 a.m.|
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