my city is still breathing
back in the saddle

Sunday, June 20, 2004  

I start way too many posts with the word so..
I'm wasting away my days lately in Crowsnest Pass. The pass is an interesting place, you see there is nearly no men between the ages of 18 and 35, they've all either left the pass for good, or work in Ft. McMurray. Proably all for the best. Also, I'm working in an ice cream establishment. when people leave, they say "see ya", not "see you" or "see ya later", just "see ya". I say "have a nice night" cuz that's just how I am.
I went to the legion last night for the first time in my life. Interesting. reminded me of a social. I guess, like the social is a canadian prarie institution, the legion is a canadian small town (and big town, just not quite in the same way) institution. it was interesting. here's my attempts at ordering a beer (over loud, bad country music):
me: "what do you have on tap"
sheila (our 50-something server): "canadian"
me: "do you have grasshopper?"
shelia: "I'll ask the bartender if she knows how to make one, do you know what goes in it?"
me: "what do you have for beer?"
her: "ok I'll get you a beer"
I ended up with a canadian.
according to the election signs there's only one party in the pass. the conservatives. lucky for me (and everyone else) there seems to be discontent, and no one I talk to really plans on voting for them. not that they know who else to vote for. but they all say "not the conservatives", they claim they don't trust stephen harper (but they think paul martin's slimy too). other day someone said they thought the other parties weren't advertising because they were trying to prove their fiscal restraint. don't know if they were joking or not.
anyhow, am in calgary for a few days, then it's back to the pass for me. I kinda like the pass, although don't think I'd be able to live there.

posted by kim | 8:42 p.m.|
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