my city is still breathing
back in the saddle

Thursday, August 26, 2004  

when I first went down to the pass, the frank slide amazed me. actually much of what makes the pass the pass amazed me - I was just shocked by how people could live their whole lives in the shadow of so many disasters: the Frank Slide, the Hillcrest Mine Disaster and the huge fires in Hillcrest last year, just to name a few. it's not that there's not disasters like this all over the place, all the time, it's just that in the pass they're so apparent.
Yesterday I drove through the slide without even batting an eye. I didn't look at it, nor up at Turtle Mountain, like I usually do. I guess driving through it every day makes you forget - or at least get used to it.

In other news I have evacuated the (leaky) trailer for the apartment formerly known as my apartment - now free of 15 year olds. I recently finished reading Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse 5 for my book club (which will soon become my curling team - damn am I cool). will not discuss as will take away from book club discussion. oh yes.

A bunch of quebecois joined my family last weekend. nothing like a wedding of quebecois and albertans to have a good liquor induced time - and give ralph klein and lucien bouchard both heart attacks, I'm sure.

posted by kim | 12:46 a.m.|
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