my city is still breathing
back in the saddle

Tuesday, January 04, 2005  

you know, I think of facinating things to post about all day while at work, and I write them down so I'll remember because I don't think I post enough anymore and when I do it's vague and uninteresting. I apologise. So I write these things down and then misplace the paper I write them on. It's likely somewhere in my bag. I'll be right on that. Man, January is an exciting month. I've got tickets to OYR's Liberators, Occupiers and Population, part of the high performance rodeo. It's thursday. I'm stoked. Then, the following Friday, I've got Suicide Girls tickets, also part of the high performance rodeo. Book club's the week after that. must get book read. and if I'm lucky I'll get to go out of town for a day or two sometime this month too. life is good. I think I'm getting too used to my mac at work - I keep forgetting I have the luxury of right clicking...

posted by kim | 1:08 a.m.|
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