my city is still breathing
back in the saddle

Saturday, February 11, 2006  

Today two Jehovah's Witnesses buzzed my apartment to tell me about the way of the lord. or something. After a minute or so my intercom automatically hangs up on whoever's out there. So I only got to hear a minute worth and neglected to answer the phone the next time it buzzed. They did leave me a very nice message, though, telling me to have a great afternoon. So I sat there and watched them buzz every apartment in my building on the closed circuit and kinda started to feel bad for them. I mean, imagine having to spend your weekend going door to door telling people about your faith as a precondition to be accepted into your church. I often wonder how many of these people, especially the younger ones, really want to be doing this or are just doing it to make their families happy or to remain in the good graces of their peer group. It is really quite depressing. The one that was not doing the talking looked especially bored, pacing around in front of my building. I wondered about how many people actually answered the phone and how many of them were polite to them and what kind of reactions they got. I can imagine it would be quite interesting to follow Jehovah's Witnesses or Mormons around for a day or two simply to see how people treat them. I can imagine it would be quite frustrating and/or disenheartening - to watch all these people not accept what you believe so feverently to be true.

posted by kim | 1:32 p.m.|
Ok, so you know me and my mormon friends (I attract them like flies get stuck to fly paper)...

I went to knock on one of my mormon friends doors once, a couple of years ago now. I thought it would be funny when she answered the door to say "Hi I'm from the Church of the Latter Saints..." but I only got to "Lat" before she slammed the door in my face.

I was kinda stunned, never having had this experience before in my life. She opened the door back up and said "Sorry Allie, I just wanted you to have a realistic experience."


- Allie (using Duncan's computer)
Such a good idea for a documentary, Kim. They have courage that's for sure, for they must know what people think about them. I admire their faith. If we all behaved like them, I'm sure the world would be a better place. No what am I saying, that's a crock o' diles. It would be too strange, indeed. But good idea, Kim. Captialize on that idea before someone else does. Like me... like me... like me.(j/k)
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